Mrs. Angie Ridder » 5R Homeroom

5R Homeroom

Week of Dec. 9th
Homeroom Info :
Please don't forget PE uniforms on Monday.
We will be collecting items for Our Ladies Inn for Advent. Our class will be collecting $10 gift cards to Walmart, or cans of Sprite or Gingerale. Please have donations at school by Dec. 11th. 
This week, our class will be watching the kg. Christmas performance and 1st grade Christmas performance as a class during one of their dress rehearsals. If you have a child with a sibling in those classes and would like him/her to attend their siblings performance during the parent shows, please let me know! 
If you'd like to contribute something to our class, I would appreciate it: 
Tests This Week:
  • Friday Dec. 13th: spelling test
  • NEXT Week: 12/17 or 12/18 math ch. 5 test
  • Important Dates / Upcoming Events: 
- Friday, Dec. 13th: 1/2 day, noon dismissal
- Tuesday 12/17: Polar Express Movie Day, dress down in Christmas pajamas 
- Friday, 12/20: all school mass, 10:00am sing-a-long in church, noon dismissal 
Background image Mrs. Angie  Ridder`s profile picture
Mrs. Angie Ridder
5th Grade
Send email
Daily Schedule
8:00-8:45 Period 1
8:45-9:30 Period 2
9:30-10:15 Period 3
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:15 Specials
11:15-12:00 Period 4
12:00-12:15 Break
12:15-1:05 Lunch/Recess
1:15-2:00 Reading
2:00-2:45 Religion
2:45-3:00 Dismissal 
Specials Schedule: 
Monday: PE
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Computer
Friday: Library