Miss Christy Forrest » 6F Homeroom

6F Homeroom

Please check your child's binder or backpack this week for the following:
-Note about Advent Service Project
-December Play Practices (not all students will have this - we are keeping small groups at first) - this is also attached at the bottom of this page!
Please review dress code rules, particularly for hair, jewelry, makeup/nails, belt, and sweatshirts.
Students need their PE uniforms on Fridays.
Advent Service Project - We are collecting items for Our Lady's Inn until Wednesday
We are collecting $10 fast food gift cards (McDonalds, Taco Bell, Subway, anything that would have locations in many places is good!) AND baby snacks (puffs, yogurt melts, pouches, arrowroot biscuits, etc). 
Items need to be collected by Wednesday, December 11.
Homeroom Info/Test Dates
  • Friday, December 13: Unit 8 Spelling Test
  • Tuesday, December 17: 5th Grade English Test (Adjectives)
Important Dates
  • Monday, December 9: All School Liturgy (Immaculate Conception)
  • Tuesday, December 17: Polar Express Day
  • Friday, December 20: All School Liturgy; Early Dismissal at noon
Miss Forrest - Amazon Wish List If you would like to donate any items to our classroom, we would greatly appreciate any and all donations! You can find a few things that we need on our Amazon list. Please know this is 100% optional. Do not feel obligated in any way! We know you already do so much for our school and for your children!
  • Students, when you are absent, arrive late, leave early, or miss a class for any reason, please check Google Classroom and your school email for what you missed. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to see what you need to complete.
  • GO TO THE TEACHER to schedule any tests or quizzes you may have missed. 
  • Check Gradelink regularly for missing assignments and updated grades. 
  • Late assignments may not always be graded right away, so please be patient.
  • All workbooks should be covered with contact paper, and all hard textbooks should be covered with a cloth or paper cover.
A printout of the Back to School Night slideshow and Gradelink login information came home at the beginning of the year. If you are missing this info, please let me know.
Teacher Information
My name is Christy Forrest, and this is my 21st year teaching at Holy Infant!
I attended Holy Infant for grade school, went on to St. Joseph's Academy, and then graduated from Mizzou in 2004. I have been back teaching here ever since! I taught 3rd grade for 10 years before being "promoted" to 6th, where I've happily been for now 11 years. I dearly love my 5th/6th grade team teachers, and we are SO excited to be working together again this year.
I look forward to learning and growing with you all this year!
Background image Miss Christy  Forrest`s profile picture
Miss Christy Forrest
6th Grade
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Daily Schedule
8:00-8:45 Period 1
8:45-9:30 Period 2
9:30-10:15 Period 3
10:15-10:30 Snack
10:30-11:15 Specials
11:15-12:00 Period 4
12:00-12:15 Spell/Vocab
12:15-12:55 Lunch/Recess
12:55-2:00 Reading
2:00-2:45 Religion
2:45-3:00 Pack Up/Dismissal
Specials Schedule
Monday: Music
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Computer
Thursday: Library
Friday: PE
Bonus Special
Quarter 1: Art
Quarter 2: PE
Quarter 3: Music
Quarter 4: Computer