Academics » Technology


Holy Infant Catholic School recognizes the tremendous role technology plays in today's world. If the graduates of our school are to be prepared properly to enter that world, they must have the opportunity to acquire the technological knowledge and skills necessary to support lifelong learning, compete in a global economy and exercise the rights and responsibilities of digital citizenship.

In our Computer Lab

  • Includes 28 workstations with a variety of educational software, including 2011 Microsoft Office Suite & Apple iWorks Suite
  • Utilizes an Apple iPad mobile cart with 30 iPads, including the capability to project on the SMARTBoard or MimioTeach Board
  • Integrate age-appropriate, educational Apps for extended learning
  • Weekly computer classes for all grades, Preschool through 8th grade.
  • Instruction provided in basic computer knowledge, keyboarding, word processing, Internet research skills, and presentation applications
  • Google for Education integration with Grades 1 - 8
  • Classroom Assignment portal using Google Classroom
  • Ultimaker 2+ series 3-D printer

In the classrooms

  • Each classroom is equipped with a minimum of two computers for student use with access to networked software
  • Access to Accelerated Reader Program in classrooms, grades 1 through 8
  • Monthly Star Early Testing in grades 1 and 2, and Star Reading Testing in grades 3 through 8.
  • Supervised Internet access
  • Systems enhanced with grade-appropriate educational software
  • Shared Chromebook cart in our 3rd & 4th grade homerooms
  • 1:1 Google ChromeBook™ integration in 1st - 8th grade homerooms 

Primary Grades

  • Integrated iPad instruction for Preschool & Jr-K classes, with educational, age-appropriate apps.
  • Technological integration through the use of SmartBoards
  • Primary Learning Lab with creativity centers and our SmartTable (a multi-touch interactive learning table)

Interactive Whiteboards

  • SMARTBoards installed and integrated into instruction in all classrooms, Science Lab, Music Room, Library, Reading, LRC, & Computer Lab.

*SMART Boards are interactive whiteboards that combine with the power of a computer to engage students in the lesson being presented.   It is a touch sensitive display that connects directly to the teachers laptop and to a projector which shows the computer image on the display. All computer applications can then be controlled directly from the display (whiteboard), including the internet!